

Ballot Processing Report
Date Not yet processed In process Processed Replicated Waiting to be replicated
10/24/22   6   0   0   1
10/28/22 995 0 0 0 1
10/31/22 1283 0 0 0 2
11/2/22 2060 0 0 0 3
11/4/22 2862 0 0 0 3
11/7/22 3275 0 0 0 3
11/9/22 5277 0 3999 6 0
11/10/22 101 0 4966 9 0
11/14/22 113 0 4966 9 0
11/18/22 195 4966 9 0
11/22/22 5183 9 0

Canvass Results may be found at: https://millardcounty.org/your-government/elected-officials/clerk/elections/2022-election-results/

Total Ballots Processed 5183

Total Ballots Replicated: 9 (Replicated is when a ballot needs to be recreated for whatever reason.)

Total Ballots Adjudicated:  (Adjudicated means 2 or more election officials had to determine voter intent.)

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