Standards approved by the State “County Recorder Standards Board”



  1. Recording of Documents with Blended Notary Methods


  1. Title to Real Property Held in Trust
  2. Name Discrepancies – Individuals
  3. Name Discrepancies – Trusts
  4. Name Discrepancies – Entities




Standards voted and agreed upon by the Utah Association of County Recorders (UACR) and the Utah Land Title Association (ULTA) executive board

– Indexing Property Records

– Affidavit of Correction

– Parcel Numbers on Documents WHEN Required


These standards are all initially created by a committee with members of the UACR and members of the ULTA as a collaboration to find the solutions to common issues and create consistency amongst all parties involved.  Once both the UACR and the ULTA have approved a the standard created by the committee it is sent to the County Recorder Standards Board made up from various members representing parties involved with real property recordings and overseen by the Utah Department of Commerce division of professional Licensing.  The Board reviews the standards and makes any adjustments before approving them as a state wide standard.

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