Absentee Voting Information
*For County elections, you will only need to fill out an absentee ballot application if you want your ballot mailed to a specific address that is different from your home mailing address.
How can I obtain an absentee ballot?
A separate absentee ballot application must be filled out for each election unless you become a permanent absentee voter. To become a permanent absentee voter, check “Yes” in the permanent absentee section of the application.
Request an absentee ballot using the online voter registration form or by completing an absentee ballot application form.
Ballot Application Deadlines and Submission Information:
All completed absentee ballot application forms should be filed with the appropriate election officer no later than the Thursday before election day. County Elections: [Millard County Clerk’s Office; 765 South Hwy 99, Ste. 6, Fillmore Utah] Municipal Elections: [Incorporated Town Clerk].
Military and overseas ballots will be mailed 45 days before an election; all other by-mail ballots will be mailed 21 days before an election.