Sealed bids are due at the Auditor’s Office (50 South Main St., Fillmore, UT 84631), no later than the date referenced on each individual bid request and will be opened during the next scheduled commission meeting. Late submissions will not be considered. Millard County has the right to reject any and all bids. All individuals whose bids are accepted will need to pass a background check prior to being awarded the contract.
Please review the specific instructions and contact information for each individual contract, bid or request for proposal, as they may vary.
If you are interested in bidding on any contracts, click on the link below to print the bid submission form.
(All bids must be submitted on the provided submission form and must have “sealed bid”, as well as the project you are bidding, listed on the outside of the envelope.)
Current Contracts up for bid
Invitation for Sealed Bids for Road Oil
Invitation for Sealed Bids for Patrol Trucks
Request for Sealed Bids for Substance Use Prevention Treatment (SUPT) Program service for Utah State inmates housed in the Millard County Jail (Revised 1-16-24)